In 2013, all fifteen hospitals within CHI Health conducted formal Community Health Needs Assessment. In the Assessments, over 50% of the hospitals identified mental health and/or substance use as one of their top priority issues. As a result, a system wide team of CHI Health-wide leaders embarked on the development of a Community Centric Behavioral Health Improvement Plan funded by a two year CHI Mission and Ministry Planning Grant. The overall purpose of the plan was to address the concerns of patients and families in communities with CHI Health owned hospitals who experience the effects of mental illness and substance use; and to increase the preventive outreach, educational efforts and resources that support the resiliency of community members. In follow-up assessments and/or hospital planning processes conducted in 2015, mental health and/or substance use were identified as a top need for all communities served by CHI Health hospitals.
During 2015 and 2016 a community partners came together to formally form a Behavioral Health Coalition which is made of education, health, human services, faith, business and interested persons about behavioral health issues. Through the support of CHI Health Mercy Hospital and dedicated community partners, a three year Mission and Ministry grant (2017-2019) received a planning and implementation grant to support the following objectives:
(1) Increase the overall awareness of exiting and potential resources among community stakeholders through an established behavioral health community coalition.
(2) Provide community-wide training on behavioral health for law enforcement, hospital staff, school personnel and other community members
(3) Implement prevention programs that educates and engages parents of children and youth 0-18.
Due to the successful three year planning and implementation grant the Behavioral Health Coalition was in the position to apply for a program grant for years 2020-2022. Again, through the support of CHI Health Mercy Hospital and dedicated community partners, a three year Mission and Ministry program grant was received to support the following objectives:
(1) Invest in evidence based, evidence informed, research based and best practice prevention strategies and programs.
(2) Improve relationships between parents and children.
(3) Reduce challenging behaviors in children.
(4) Increase family resiliency.
(5) Improve child and family outcomes.
If you would like to get involved or have questions regarding the Behavioral Health Coalition you may email